contact me: ginmason at yahoo dot com
Master’s degree in Geography with an emphasis in GIS and cartographic design
Over 23 years experience in cartographic and GIS project management, working in a deadline and creative-oriented work environment
Ability to mine complex and technical datasets and prepare for cartographic presentation
Knowledge of and experience in implementing geospatial analysis using ESRI ArcGIS
Recipient of several national and international awards for cartography, information design, and editorial storytelling
Experience with budgeting and financial management in the publishing industry
Master of Science, Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Geography, Madison, WI
Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Management Information Systems, The American University, Kogod School of Business, Washington, DC
AWARDS and recognition
Malofiej, Infographic World Summit, Society For News Design: 7 awards
Miguel Urabayen Award for Best Map; Gold, California’s Water Challenge, Published October 2014, NGM (with Eric Knight and Kelsey Nowakowski)
Miguel Urabayen Award for Best Map; Silver, Drilling the Prairie, Published March 2013, NGM
Bronze, Portfolio, 7 maps published in 2013, NGM
Gold, New Oil Landscape (motion graphic), Published March 2013, NGM Digital (with Joe Lertola, Bryan Christie Design)
Bronze, Tracking Lions Prides, Published August 2013, NGM
Malofiej 20: Society for News Design, Pamplona, Spain; Jury member, March 2012
Bronze, Japan’s Swirling Seas, Published November 2010, NGM
Miguel Urabayen Award for Best Map; Gold, Venice versus the Sea: Flood Zone Published August 2009, NGM
Cartographic And Geographic Information Society Map Design Competition: 16 awards
Best Thematic Map, Defining an Empire, Published September 2012, National Geographic Magazine (with Matthew Twombly and Amanda Hobbs)
Best Thematic Map, Paris Underground: Beneath the Left Bank, Published February 2011, NGM
Best in Show, Best in Thematic Category, Venice versus the Sea: Flood Zone, Published August 2009, NGM
13 honorable mentions
British Cartographic Society, Avenza Award for Best Electronic Mapping: 2 awards
2023 Highly Commended, North Sea Emissions Uncovered, Published February 2023
2022 Winner, Inside Fujairah, Published April 2022
Society Of News Design, Best Of News Design Competition: 3 awards
35th edition: Silver, Drilling the Prairie, Published March 2013, NGM
35th edition: Award of Excellence, Fracking the Prairie, Published March 2013, NGM (with Joe Lertola, Brian Christie Design)
31st edition: Award of Excellence, Flood Zone, Venice, Published August 2009, NGM
ESRI: 6 awards
ESRI Map Series or Atlas, First Place - ESRI International User Conference Map Gallery Competition, 2022, The Atlas of Energy Transition
ESRI Best Cartography - ESRI International User Conference Map Gallery Competition, 2022, The Atlas of Energy Transition
ESRI StoryMaps Competition - Best Map Choreography, Inside Fujairah
ESRI Best Cartographic Design, Second Place - Large Format, ESRI International User Conference Map Gallery Competition, 2018,
ESRI Special Achievement in GIS Award to Congressional Cartography Program, Library of Congress, 2006
Best Cartographic Design, Third Place – Large Format, ESRI International User Conference Map Gallery Competition, 2004
ESRI Products: ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Desktop 10.x/ArcPro; 3D, Spatial Analyst and Model Builder, StoryMaps, AGOL platform
ArcGIS SDK forJavascript, Mapbox GL JS, HTML, D3
Adobe CS: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, After Effects; Avenza MapPublisher
Natural Scene Designer; Terrain Bender
North American Cartographic Information Society, Director of Continuity 2020–2023; Past President, Term 2018–2019; President, Term 2018–2019; Vice President, Term 2017– 2018; Secretary, Term 2009–2011; Director, Term 2006–2011
Featured artist in “Woman | From codices to big data: women and visualisation” An exhibit in Pamplona, Spain featuring the work of influential women in the data visualization industry.
Judge for the 2019 Monocarto map design competition
North American Cartographic Information Society Atlas of Design, Assistant Editor for Volume 3, 2015–2016
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Cartography and Geographic Information Science; Judge, ACSM Map Design Competition 2004–2007
Washington Map Society; Membership Chair, Term 2005–2007; Director, Term 2005–2009
The New Map: Energy, Climate, and the Clash of Nations. Daniel Yergin. Penguin Random House, 2020.
"Where They Saw Mary" in The Best American Infographics 2016. Gareth Cook, editor. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016.
"Vanishing Languages" in Understanding the World: The Atlas of Infographics. Julius Wiedermann, editor. Taschen, 2014.
“Perilous Journeys” in The Best American Infographics 2014. Gareth Cook, editor. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, October 2014.
“Defining an Empire” in A Map of the World: The World According to Illustrators and Storytellers. Antonis Antoniou, R. Klanten, S. Ehmann, H. Hellige, editors. Gestalten, January 2013.
Wheel of Fortune: The Battle for Oil and Power in Russia. Thane Gustafson. Harvard University Press, 2012.
The Quest: Energy, Security and the Remaking of the Modern World. Daniel Yergin. The Penguin Press, 2011.
“U.S. Change in Unemployment.” In Designed Maps, A Sourcebook for GIS Users, Cynthia A. Brewer, ESRI Press 2008.
Mapping for Congress, Supporting Public Policy with the Congressional Cartography Program, Library of Congress. ESRI Press, 2006.
Visual Storytelling at National Geographic, NACIS, October 2014
Keynote speaker for New Mexico Geographic Information Council Annual meeting, May 2014
Mapping the North Dakota Oil Boom, NACIS, October 2013
Malofiej 20: Society for News Design, Pamplona, Spain; Selected Jury member; Cartography at National Geographic Magazine, March 2012
Mapping the Paris Underground. NACIS, October 1010
Data Needs and Requirements of the Congressional Cartography Program. National States Geographic Information Council, Congressional Breakfast. March 2006
Head of Cartography, November 2022–Present; Manager of Cartography, February 2018–November 2022; Team Lead, Cartography, February 2017–February 2018; Senior Cartographer, February 2016–February 2017
S&P Global Commodity Insights, Denver, Colorado
Responsible for the development of company-wide cartographic design standards and display styles, geospatial storytelling, and in-house cartographic services in support of Editorial, Marketing, and Corporate initiatives.
Senior Graphics Editor – Maps, December 2007–February 2016 National Geographic Magazine, 1145 17th Street NW, Washington, DC, 20036
Develop concepts, design, research, and produce original cartographic content in multiple mediums: mobile, web and print for National Geographic Magazine (monthly) and NG News (daily)
Compile and analyze spatial data to determine patterns and significance in order to show a unique perspective related to feature content, and a cohesive graphical narrative
Manage and oversee feature story projects from conception to completion with freelance contractors, artists and cartographers, researchers, text editors, writers, photo editors, production personnel, and interns
Served as content co-lead for the Magazine's environment beat, with the responsibility of determining best stories for NGM content
Consult and collaborate with academic and scientific specialists to determine editorial direction
Create and manage financial budgets
Cartographer, June 2003–December 2007 The Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, 101 Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20540
Managed the Congressional Cartography Program and served as agency point of contact for GIS and cartographic interests
Designed and implemented cartographic or geographic projects, operations, and studies in support of Members of Congress and staff, Committees, and Congressional Research Service initiatives
Provided direction for geospatial data acquisition policy and cartographic content in Congressional Research Service publications
Gave oral briefings on GIS services to Congressional staff and Library stakeholders; Created printed and digital static maps for House and Senate floor testimony and digital maps for Congressional websites
Investigated and recommended modifications and enhancements to existing GIS, cartographic, and geographic methodology, tools, and equipment to improve quality and effectiveness of Library of Congress products, projects and services
Served on the LC strategic planning committee for the Library's data services
Cartographer, February 2003–June 2003 The Nature Conservancy, 4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100, Arlington, VA 22203
Designed and distributed standard maps, map symbols, and templates for Conservancy staff; distributed ESRI software to GIS managers, analysts, and specialists for the Conservancy worldwide
Full-time graduate student, January 2000–May 2002 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Geography, Science Hall, 550 Park Street, Madison, WI 53706
Graduate Assistantships: GIS Distance Education Project; Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Cartography; Wisconsin State Cartographer’s Office
Publications Specialist, March 1998–August 1999 American Psychological Association, 750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002
Provided statistical and substantive analysis of trends in member subscriptions, quarterly inventory reports, and the quality of abstract records
Managed the technical production of 8 academic publications
Mailing Coordinator, May 1995–September 1996; Mailing and Distribution Analyst (promotion), September 1996–September 1997 . U.S. News and World Report
Served as primary contact with the USPS to ensure that U.S. News and World Report prepared and entered mail for efficient handling by evaluating postal operations, transportation networks, and delivery time requirements
Overhauled the structure of delivery statistics reports, through the design of delivery performance maps and other graphic aids, thus improving USPS responsiveness.
Operations Analyst, April 1994–May 1995 U.S. News and World Report
Analyzed a billion-dollar annual manufacturing and distribution budget and accounted for significant variances on a monthly and quarterly basis
Reviewed contract pricing to ensure competitiveness and make recommendations for improved pricing